In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, job loss, stay-at-home orders, and limited access to court assistance offices, we've expanded our services in a very limited capacity to help make affordable legal document preparation services available and accessible to the public.
Who I can assist: 1. Cases for parties of any income level; 2. Cases for people who are not represented by an attorney 3. Parties for cases who know what kind of action they need to file; 4. Both parties in a case provided the action is uncontested; 5. Parties involved in family law actions such as divorce proceedings, establishing or changing custody and/or parenting time (visitation), enforcing custody and parenting time (visitation); 6. People who just need a legal document prepared. 7. Businesses who need assistance preparing simple legal documents 8. Can't find where you fit? Contact me (Heidi) to discuss:
How I can assist: 1. I can provide information on how to find forms/documents and how to complete them; 2. I can provide information about court procedures, rules, and other educational materials that are equally accessible and available to the public; 3. I can provide document review to make sure forms/documents are complete; 4. I can provide information about how to begin a court action; 5. Litigation support 6. File and serve documents; 7. Can't find where you fit? Contact us to discuss:
What I Cannot do: 1. Provide legal advice or opinion; 2. Assist parties who are represented by lawyers; 3. Tell you what kind of case to file; 4. Provide information to one party that would not be given to all other parties; 5. Represent you in court. 6. Trying to see where you fit? Contact me us to discuss:
Uncontested Divorce (you both agree) with no minor children: This is a standard divorce for parties who are in agreement with the terms (debt, assets, property, etc.) of their Divorce. No court appearance is required by the parties.
Uncontested Divorce (you both agree) with minor children: This is a standard divorce for parties who are in agreement with the terms (debt, assets, property, etc.) of their Divorce, including custody, visitation, and child support. No court appearance is required by the parties. However the court does require that you both attend a parenting class.
Can't find where you fit? Contact Heidi to discuss:
Disclaimer: Nice Paralegal Services, LLC is not a law firm and Heidi Nice is not an attorney and cannot give you legal advice. If that is what you are seeking, you need to contact an attorney.
Information contained on this website is for informational purposes only and is NOT intended to be or should be construed as legal advice.